
Connectwith Your Suppliers

Q- What is purchasing first commandment? A-Know thy supplier.
Q - The second rule? A - Think On Time with Quality, No Excuses.

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Business is moving faster than ever before because the consumer expects more. In order to connect every aspect of the buy, make, sell, hold, and transport functions, as a supplier we became streamlined. Unnecessary transactions are removed, mundane transactions are automated.

ACC and its sister box plant, Tucson Container are certified quality suppliers. Based on performance data, accurate figures Suppliers to Our Business Our Organization Intermediary Customer Key User Key User’s Customer on shipments and reliability, customers are fast-tracking our shipments by sending boxes to their production lines without the need for further inspections.

Here, trust and speed pay off.
Discover how we connect multiple tiers of business, optimize productivity and mutual profitability. It must be done the right way, with the right packaging product, at the right time with the right solution.

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At ACC, supply-chain management is essential to achieve cost reduction with collaboration and efficiencies of time and scale.

We are lean, fluid and move fast in order to stay connected. Once the chain is formed it will be difficult to break.

Our goal is to optimize turn-around time, competitive pricing, and overall ease of connecting with the value supply chain from the supplier’s supplier to the customer’s customer.

Connecting with value . . . makes a difference in a buyer’s perception.

Our value proposition describes the advantages customers have in connecting with us, the corrugated box supplier.

Our innovation starts with an ability to see possibilities.

Real value propositions are the connecting keys to create unique structural packaging that stands out from the competition

“So, if you or your products don’t grow, or evolve, as in nature, they (and you) may face extinction.

The best way for us to remain a reliable single source supplier requires a mutually rewarding relationship and integrated productivity.
To meet and beat competition, both of us must attain higher standards or lower costs.That requires commitment and accelerated corrective action.

Problems are the price of progress to accomplish extraordinary things

Every product is like a pie cut into eight parts. These slices are Benefits, Quality, Service, Value, Reliability, Satisfaction, a reasonable Profit, and Extra Mileage. Since the part is never greater than the whole, why should Price ever be the determining factor in a sale?


Connection forms the basis for value enhancement.

Christian Widera, President
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